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Jess Vinluan #1

Through arts therapy, Jess Vinluan, was able to focus on social engagement with my child and I noticed how much he has improved from being the little boy who always played on his own or just followed his peers around, into the well-adjusted more confident child he is now.
Art Therapy has helped immensely in many ways to see his excitement and eagerness in each session is so wonderful as a proud parent to see.
Thank you so much Jess you have so much patience and understanding for him.

Jess Vinlaun #2

I’ve been attending arts therapy for about a year now. I first came across Wyndham arts therapy when I was looking for a therapist near where I stayed to address my anxiety and depression. It’s been a long and tiring journey but the results have been amazing & very helpful. I now feel like I understand myself a lot better and have developed positive strategies to help me cope when things get rough.

Jess Vinlaun #3

I have been attending arts therapy for about 6 weeks now. I first came across arts therapy when I was looking for a gentle way of addressing grief and anxiety. It’s been a brief journey so far but the result has been positively surprising. For me, it is a better way of working with not so easy issues at this time in my life. I now feel that I can enter memories and difficult spaces with far less anxiety.