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Amy McKay #1

“I needed to do art therapy to deal with current and past traumas. I have found it to be extremely helpful even during Covid-19, the facilitated contact online has been amazing. The art activities and advice has been helpful and given me useful skills for everyday life. Sessions with Amy (my art therapist), has given me the time to process what has been going on in between sessions. If I am ever in trouble, I know that I can call or text Amy.
I recommend Art Therapy as it gives you a creative and safe space to sort out emotions and thoughts. It’s your time spent how you want to, your way so if you want to make art and not talk that is ok. No words are needed. For anyone who has ASD or PTSD it gives you an outlet to try and understand your brain and the world. It is a safe space where you can say anything and it cannot be wrong”. Bronwyn

Amy McKay #2

I have been attending arts therapy for about 3 months now. I first heard about it through a friend who spoke very highly of it.
I was looking to address some deep emotional issues and depression which was beginning to creep up on me.
Its only been a short time but I have noticed massive shifts in my mental and emotional well being.
I am already feeling much happier, more confident and content. I am looking forward to continuing on this journey with Amy in finding my true self.
A heartfelt thanks to Amy and the team at Wyndham Arts therapies.