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Nyrelle #1

You have been a foundational person in my development and growth as a human. Without any doubt, meeting you was a turning point in my life. I think it is fair to say that my relationship with you and everything you have given me are, and will continue to be, a cornerstone in my life. If we took away that (cornerstone)… I don’t know what would have happened, it’s unfathomable to me. It’s like it crumbles to nothingness, to nothing visible. Whatever I’m doing, in any given moment, a part of it will be because of the role that you played in my life. What you have done for me is hard to formulate into a concept and into words. All I know is that it’s immeasurable to me and I don’t think it can be understood by anyone who has not had a similar experience. In that way, it is hugely underrated and unappreciated. It’s like a secret work that goes on behind the scenes. Nobody really knows what impact you’ve had on the world by seeing me and how it will continue to ripple out, or that it even took place. For everything that you have done for me, thank you. That’s all I can really say. No other words amount to anything that could express thankfulness for what I have received.

Nyrelle #2

I chose Nyrelle as my supervisor as I was starting my private practice and she has been such a huge support and influence in my development of a successful practice. Nyrelle both warm and supportive and well and practical and direct and is able to both hold space not only for personal and client issues that arise, but can also offer practical strategies and solutions based on a wealth of knowledge and experience that has helped grow my skills, knowledge, understanding and confidence.
Rachel Taplin, Innersense Art therapy

Nyrelle #3

I first came across art therapy as a therapeutic intervention to address my NDIS goals that centred around past trauma, increasing my ability to live independently and to improve my overall mental, emotional and physical health. Art therapy has helped me work towards these goals in far too many ways to list and has improved my mental health and life beyond all my initial expectations. Life is now good and change has occurred in so many unexpected ways and areas of my life that a multitude of different therapies over many decades was unable to achieve. As a therapist, I have found Nyrelle to have a gentle and caring approach and has worked collaboratively with me as a client in both a respectful and nonjudgmental manner. She has made the task of self-discovery and recovery fun utilising art as a way to work through many emotionally challenging past situations and events. I would highly recommend art therapy as a way of dealing with past trauma, emotional and mental health issues and in particular Wyndham art therapies for their excellent and professional services.

Nyrelle #4

I first came across arts therapy though an arduous process of elimination. It felt like I’d tried everything and nothing was really helping.
I was looking for therapy to address the physical and emotional pain I felt without disempowering or traumatizing me further. Arts therapy has been life changing I have been able to focus on understanding and processing big what seemed like absolutely terrifying emotions until I met Nyrelle.

It has helped me with reconnecting with my body and environment, to feel safe physically and emotionally and it’s really helped me with learning new coping strategies and ways of interacting with myself and other people. I have learnt how to have much healthier and happier relationships and I have learnt how to communicate my needs and wants.
I have learnt to operate from a place of childlike curiosity, with authenticity and self-integrity.
I have found Nyrelle to be exactly what I needed, gentle, caring warm.
I always felt safe to express my true feeling and experiences without judgement.
She is the first person I have ever worked with that I felt embraced me and my individuality, she worked with me and my belief system, on my goals.
She didn’t try to put me in a box or tell me what was wrong with me. She listened and made me feel really heard.
I got more out of 10 sessions with Nyrelle than 7 years of talk therapy.
I am so grateful that I had the opportunity to work on myself with the care and guidance of someone like Nyrelle. I have recommended her to everyone I know and will continue to.
To my mum I describe the experience like this.
Sometimes our room becomes so cluttered and so messy it can be so overwhelming to even try.
You pull out a cupboard here and easily loose interest or get distracted by the things you find.
Every bedroom has all types of things tucked away, parts of our lives we have collected and for whatever reason decided to keep.
A lot of it you don’t need, and you don’t even know why you have it. Other things are incredibly sentimental. Sometimes seeing, touching or smelling something takes you right back to that exact moment as if you were reliving it.
Organising, cleaning out what you no longer need, trying on all of your old clothes, making order of that junk draw can either be the most inconvenient part of the seasons changing or it can be a really fun and positive process, it’s usually much easier to do with a friend telling you to just get rid of that stuff your holding onto of your exes, or that if you throw out that jumper you made with your nanna you’ll regret it, as ugly as it is.
For me during this experience Nyrelle was more like that good friend than a therapist and sometimes you just need someone who’s on your team to laugh with you while you do the thing we all put off.
– Georgia